Easy Solar

Easy Solar is your go-to renewables specialist, with a wide range of top quality affordable solar systems and panels, all based right here in Perth, Western Australia.

Whether you’re looking for a solution for your home or business, we can provide whatever is needed to get the job done.

With an extensive range of Solar solutions, we have become one of the leading suppliers of trusted solar panels and systems.

Customer satisfaction is our top priority, we want you to feel confident and comfortable working with us on your renewable energy solution. Easy Solar is with you every step of the way, from start to finish and even providing service to make sure you are happy for years to come.

We are locally-owned and operated right here in Western Australia, we know what you want in their solar solutions.

With more than 25 years of combined experience, the Easy Solar team have the knowledge and know-how to make sure we find the right solution for you.

TAGS : solar , Solar Panels , solar systems


Our Address:

Suite 1, 135 Welshpool Road, Welshpool Perth 6106 Australia


-31.9951325, 115.93251580000003

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